Of particular interest at the Hanover Fair were solenoid valves with small construction volumes and here specifically the SVS-Automation type series 12 and 31.

These valves are small, direct acting valves with a choice of brass (Type 12) or stainless steel (Type 31) body materials. The dimensions of the valve are extremely compact at 5mm x 18mm x 41mm and can be easily integrated into existing designs. As a special feature, these valves have a valve body that has the same width and depth as the coils used and does not protrude laterally beyond the valve body, as is the case with most directly controlled valves. This property proves to be advantageous if, for example, a valve is attached flat to a surface and the valve is therefore flush with the body and coil.
As a standard series, these valves are available with sealing materials made of NBR, EPDM and FPM as 2/2-way NC valves. The connection is made via an M5 thread and 2 pieces M3 threaded holes are integrated for attachment.
An Atex version of the valve is currently being considered as a further variant.
Components of these standard valves are also suitable for the integration in customized solutions. The geometry of the coil enables the construction of very compact valve blocks (see below) and the realization of small and energy-saving pilot valves.